Raccoon Removal

Raccoons are a natural part of our ecosystem. Still, no homeowner wants these pests rummaging around their property and sneaking into their home.
Raccoons seem harmless enough, but they can be a real pain to deal with. These animals pop up in all kinds of places, as well. This includes your yard, attic, garage, and even your kitchen.
Not only do raccoons cause property damage, but they can also carry dangerous diseases.
So, if you have a raccoon on your property, you want to remove these pests as soon as you can. In this post, I’ll show you exactly how you can get rid of raccoons from your home as efficiently and humanely as possible.
How to Remove Raccoons From Your Property:
1. Keep Your Trash Well Sealed
Make sure to secure your trash bags. This is one of the most simple steps you can take for raccoon removal. By sealing up your trash, securely and tightly, you can keep most wild animals off your property. Usually, raccoons stay at a particular home because they have a steady food source.
If you seal up your trash and keep the smell of food from attracting the raccoon to your home, though, then you might be able to solve your pest problem. I recommend using a sealable garbage bin to put your trash in. This way raccoons can’t dig into your trash and create a mess.
2. Install Sprinklers
Motion-activated sprinklers can also be the perfect solution for raccoon removal. No raccoon will like the sound of sprinklers or the spray of high-powered water when they go on your lawn. I recommend using some other tactics along with having your sprinkler system installed, too. But, overall this can be a good way to get raccoons away from your home.
3. Use Raccoon Repellant
Raccoon repellant is easy to find at your local store, and you can even make your own DIY repellant from some simple ingredients in your kitchen. In particular, raccoons have very sensitive noses, so you can try and get rid of them with strong smells. This includes ammonia, pepper, and even hot sauce. Learn more about raccoon repellent here.
Try mixing up the water with some cayenne peppers and then spray the mix around your yard. You can also try this with hot sauce or other spicy ingredients. The raccoon won’t be harmed, and they will be less likely to come back to your property.
4. Get Rid of Any Food Sources
You want to get rid of any other food sources on your property. This includes gardens with vegetables and fruits, bird feeders, and any food that you have left out in the open. Obviously, you want to clean up and get rid of any food that is sitting out. This includes pet food, as well. But, you don’t have to dig up your garden or give up your bird feeder to keep your home safe.
Instead, use mesh or some other barrier to protect your greenery from animals. You can even cover up your bird feeder at night to keep raccoons away.
5. Seal Any Holes and Openings
To keep raccoons out of your home, you will have to seal up any holes or openings in your property. This way they can’t sneak in to steal food and cause home damage. Holes and openings are the perfect entryways for wild animals. And, these openings can also waft out smells that will entice the raccoon to your home.
You can call in a professional to fix these holes. Or, you can seal up your home with expandable foam, wood, or concrete on your own. This shouldn’t be hard to do, just make sure that you check your house thoroughly for any openings.
6. Seal Your Chimney
Another entry point a raccoon might try to enter is your chimney. Many people don’t think about sealing up their chimneys, but chimneys can be the perfect breeding ground for raccoons. So, you want to secure this area of your home to keep these pests out of your roof and away from your living spaces.
If a raccoon is already living in your chimney, you should call in an expert. Raccoons can get really aggressive, especially when they are in this area of your home. Once the raccoons are out, seal the chimney with a chimney cap, or try putting mesh over the openings in your chimney.
7. Put Up a Fence
After you seal up your home fully, think about installing a fence around your property. A large fence is a great deterrent against wild animals. And, it can be especially useful against raccoons if your fence is built tall enough.
However, if you want to guarantee that raccoons never come back to your property, try installing an electric fence.
8. Use Loud Noises
Raccoons are easy to scare. In fact, you can use loud noises and bright lights to scare off these animals and get them off your property entirely. You can try scaring them off once. But if the raccoons keep coming back, try getting a device that will make repeated loud noises at night. You can even get something that is specifically made to scare off raccoons.
9. Hire a Professional
You can try to capture and relocate raccoons off your property on your own. But, this can be dangerous for a number of reasons. Not only are raccoons disease-ridden, but they can also attack you if you try to remove them. So, your best bet is to call in a professional to remove the raccoon from your property. This will yield the best results and will lead to the least amount of hassle.
Contact Mighty Men Pest Control Today
If you are having trouble with raccoons, and can’t seem to get them off your property, on your own, contact Mighty Men Pest Control today. Our company offers the best raccoon removal services in the area.
Not every homeowner has the time or patience to deal with raccoon removal. Mighty Men Pest Control will handle this issue for you and get any raccoons off your property quickly and as efficiently as possible.

Raccoon Repellent Solutions
Raccoons, still largely a wild animal, have made suburban and urban settings their preferred home. While raccoons will still be found in forested areas, they are increasingly common in cities and towns where there is a large number of people. This may sound counterintuitive, as raccoons are wild animals, but they have adapted to living around humans. Living around humans creates easy access to numerous attractive necessities required for them to survive.
The transition from natural areas to urban and suburban areas has largely happened because of the regular occurrence of food. Humans leave behind a lot of food, no matter where they are. Cities have trash cans, restaurants have giant dumpsters, parks have trash bins, and homes have their own garbage containers as well. All of this leftover food and trash has given raccoons and other animals easy access to their main necessity. Humans have also provided shelter by building homes, buildings, and other structures. Food, water, and shelter are the main resources animals need to survive and humans have provided all three, usually in close proximity to one another.
Despite how common raccoons are in residential areas now, they should not be something that is swept under the rug. They are common and you will likely see a raccoon or two in your yard or neighborhood every once in a while. However, this does not mean that you should just let the raccoons peacefully live near the perimeter of your home or space. Raccoons are wild animals and can be dangerous if provoked. They also can be dangerous for your health even if you have not had direct contact with them. They carry all sorts of diseases that can be transferred all sorts of ways, so making sure that you have no contact with them, direct or indirect, is paramount to your health.
If you have noticed raccoons in your yard or around your area, here are some repellents and methods of repelling raccoons you can try out:
Despite appearing to be dirty, wild animals, raccoons do not like living in their feces or urine. So, the smell of ammonia, found in urine, is a great deterrent to use if you are trying to rid your home or yard of raccoons. Spraying this around trash bins or areas they regularly frequent can be helpful in keeping raccoons from hanging around.
Spicy Spray
Raccoons do not like the smell or taste of pepper. You can do a couple of things with this method. Fill a spray bottle with water and hot sauce or fill a spray bottle with water and cayenne pepper. Or — fill a spray bottle with both hot sauce and cayenne pepper. Just like ammonia, you can distribute this around areas the raccoons frequent.
Raccoons (and many other wild animals) do not like flashing lights or abrupt sounds. You can add some automatic light fixtures to your yard or put a device similar to a light fixture that loudly beeps when someone crosses it. These may do an ok job of scaring off new raccoons, but may not be helpful if they have already found their source of food in your yard.
Chemical Repellents
In addition to these more natural remedies, there are chemical repellents that can be implemented into your space to help deter the animals. Speaking with a wildlife removal professional like Mighty Men Pest Control can help decide if these types of repellents are a good option for you.
All of these methods are beneficial and can be used in almost any situation, but the most beneficial method of prevention or repelling is making your yard or space as unattractive to raccoons as possible. Secure trash lids, water sources, and make sure your home is sealed so they do not use it as shelter. If you have spotted raccoons around your space or yard and are not sure where to begin, you can contact Mighty Men Pest Control to begin the process of repelling or deterring.
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Pigeons can be a nuisance if left to make a permanent residence on your building. You constantly have to schedule an attic cleanout to clear their droppings, which means exposing yourself to diseases. Having such a health hazard on your premises is bad for business.
Other than that, pigeons can destroy air filters and air conditioning units. Their droppings can clog pipes and gutters. Pigeons are not only a problem for commercial clients but also homeowners as well. You can easily spot pigeons in busy cities and residential areas.
Pigeons are adaptable to a new environment and can survive in areas with high human activity. This means simple scare tactics will not work. Getting rid of pigeons requires the help of professional bird removal technicians.
We can help you resolve your pigeon problem. Our services cater to commercial and residential clients in our home city The San Francisco Bay Area, and many of the surrounding Bay Area cities. Dial (650) 309-1841 today.
Most people try to use their own removal tactics in attempt to salvage the situation. In theory, an effective way of getting rid of pigeons is by eliminating their source of food. Naturally, birds eat grains, but in busy cities, the best place to get food is from garbage cans.
Pigeons will forage for food anywhere there is discarded food waste. Get rid of the dustbins and you have less to worry about. As good and easy as it sounds, it is not a practical idea. The next step is to use sealed bins. This temporary step keeps the birds away for a while.
When dealing with a pest infestation, you need a permanent solution. Otherwise, you will spend a lot of money on hiring different service providers. We provide you with an effective solution that will have the birds roost somewhere else and not find your property attractive.
How Mighty Men Does Pigeon Control
Our aim is removal and prevention. There is no point in chasing away the birds, only for them to come again in a couple of days. Our control experts use proactive methods that repel pigeons from nesting on your property.
We have a qualified and dedicated team with the experience to carry out the safe removal of bird pests. Our bird spikes prevent birds from resting on your property while protecting the birds from harm.
Apart from spikes, we have exclusion netting, deterrents, and reproductive control solutions. All these help control and manage the population of birds in your area.
Professionals in Bird Control
Our staff has been trained and servicing pigeons for years. By having a team of dedicated staff, we are capable of taking care of your needs. We use high-quality pigeon control systems together with collapsible traps.
We have different traps we can use depending on the bird population in your area. Trapping takes time and skill to get it right. Our technicians have the experience to provide fast and reliable services.
Would you like us to take care of your pigeon problem? Call us for the best The San Francisco Bay Area pigeon control today at (650) 309-1841.
How to Keep Pigeons Out of a Wall
Pigeons are actually harmless birds, but pigeon activities in and around your home may cause significant damage to your property. These birds are called winged rats for a reason, they really can be a nuisance. Pigeons can infest your home with disease-carrying mites or ticks, and their pathogen-laden droppings are yet another problem. Pigeons should be nowhere near your home, let alone in your walls. Here is a great source at pestcontrolbird.com to learn more about bird removal.
But if you’ve got a pigeon problem, here’s how you can deal with it.
The easiest way to keep pigeons out of your wall is to find the entry point, install an exclusion device, and let them fly out themselves. But to keep them away for good, you have to keep them away from your property.
Pigeons won’t get the chance to enter your walls if they are not already roosting on your roof or chimney. If you can successfully keep these birds away from your property, then you will never have to worry about having them inside your walls. Pigeons are persistent and no matter how many times you chase them away, they will always return, except you take some extra steps to ensure that you make your home uncomfortable or inaccessible to them.
To permanently keep pigeons away from your property—walls, attic, roof—you will have to make certain changes like installing pigeon spikes or netting that deter birds or putting up physical deterrents that repel pigeons like fake owls. Inspect your building and seal holes: check the roof, attic, and chimney for holes and seal them off. Since pigeons live in the sky, they will access your building from the upper sections. They will often perch on the roof or chimney and can get inside through any cracks they find. You can keep pigeons out by properly and completely sealing every crack, also cap your chimney to prevent pigeons from building their nest in it. If you make your home undesirable to pigeons, they will be forced to stay away, and you will eventually have some peace.
Some pigeon deterrents to consider
Pigeons may not be scared of humans, but they have natural predators that they find very scary. You can use this knowledge to your advantage and install ceramic owls or hawks to scare them away. But this technique alone will not do the trick because, after a while, the birds will realize that the owl is fake and will continue coming to your roof. You can also try reflective objects like foils or mirrors, this works because birds have a hard time seeing properly when they are close to shiny and reflective objects.
Another option to explore is water hoses, you can drive pigeons away by spraying them with water, but this method is very temporary as the birds will return once they notice that the water is gone.
Remove attractants
One of the most effective methods for keeping a pigeon away is to make him less interested in being there in the first place. Remove any standing water that could be used for drinking and bathing. You'll also want to be certain that all trash is contained and out of reach to avoid any free meals.
Bird feeders will always be a problem, despite the fact that you can buy designs with narrow openings that only allow songbirds to enter. If you have bird feeders, consider removing them, especially if you notice that they are attracting the wrong birds and creating a problem for you.
Another thing that may attract pigeons to your property is a vegetable garden. It’s impossible to hide a vegetable garden if you have one. But you can make your fresh tomatoes and cherries out of reach to birds by investing in a fruit cage. Use a mesh wire fruit cage to protect your veggies and keep nuisance birds away.